The Overnight Pet Care You Need Delivered Right to Your Door
Overnight Care
Fetch! Pet Care has an average rating of 4.7 from 1,500+ reviews. Serving over 56K clients monthly across 100+ U.S. locations.
How Fetch! Dog Walking Works
We match you with an experienced, in-home pet sitter based on your needs and schedule.
You meet with the local sitter virtually or in-person (your choice) to decide if they are right for you.
Relax as you receive written and photo updates on your pet’s care.
Your Pet is Safe With Us
Safety Is a Priority
Fetch! Pet Care is committed to providing a caring, responsible and compassionate experience every time. That means being prepared for any situation that may arise. Our Pet Care Providers go through rigorous, training courses to ensure preparedness so we execute the highest level of care and best practices in all situations!
You’ll Get Consistency With a Core Team
When you schedule a service with us, we’ll partner you with a primary and back-up Pet Care Provider based on your needs and schedule. You’ll have the chance to meet these local Pet Care Providers and once you approve of them, we’ll assign them to your account. Any time you schedule services thereafter, we’ll strive to have care provided by your core team. This way you know your pet is getting care from providers you (and they) know, like, and trust every time!
We Take the Security of Your Home Seriously
Controlled Access
The only people who have access to your key or access code are our main office and your Pet Care Provider.
Key Monitoring
We track all key movements, meaning if your sitter needs a key they are required to put a request in our My Fetch! app.
Timed Availability
If your home has an access code, it will only be available to your pet sitter during scheduled service hours.